1-Day Cognitive Interviewing Course
This course is designed to familiarise participants with
this powerful and efficient method of piloting survey
questions called Cognitive Interviewing. Cognitive
Interviewing is a type of in-depth interviewing which
focuses on respondents’ thought processes in answering
survey questions and uses specialised techniques such as
thinking aloud, probing, observation and paraphrasing. The
course is about what cognitive interviewing is as well as
how to do it.
1-Day Course for
- Eurostat through Statistics Austria (my input 1.5 days of 2-day course)
- The Social Research Association (SRA)
- Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research (CMIST)
- Picker Institute
- Rand Europe
- Ipsos-MORI
- CETIC.br, Brazil
- Institute for Employment Studies
- Personal Social Services Research Unit, University of Kent
- New Mexico State University